Thursday, August 13, 2015

Coloured Contact Lenses:)

Hey girl hey or hey guy hey ;P

So welcome back to my blog and today I am going to talk about~~~~~~~~ Coloured Lenses!!! YEAH!!! (Its gonna be a lot of talking :p)

Soooooooo~ There are tons of different lenses out there in the world and today I am going to talk about how to pick the right lenses  for yourself ^^ Everything is my own opinions and experience, if you want any professional recommendation please refer to your local optimists or doctors :)

As we all know everyone's eyes are different~ first you have to know what type is yours :)

You should know if you have any prescription~ if you are farsighted or shortsighted~ if you have astigmatism~ if you have dry eyes or sensitive eyes~ if you have any eyes problems~
if you don't know the answer, highly recommend you to visit your optimist :)


If you don't have any prescription, then you are most likely to be able to get 90% of coloured lenses out there in the markets (lucky you ;p)
Most coloured contact lenses with pattern are suitable for those who have no prescription
 Picture from the internet

If you are farsighted or shortsighted ( me right here ;P), no worries~ there are still tons of lenses that will suit your prescription, unless you are farsighted over +2.00 or shortsighted over -10.00, then you might have narrower choices.

And for those who have astigmatism ( me again xd), it will be tougher for you to get the lenses. Most of the toric coloured lenses are thicker than the regular ones and the lenses can not move around the eyeball so it is harder to produce lenses for people with astigmatism. But don't get disappointed :) there are still some companies that produce toric coloured lenses. There are also some ways on the internet that teach us to convert your astigmatism into shortsighted degree~ I personally never tried it but I saw review online, some said it worked some said it did not, so I guess it depends on the prescription and your eyes condition.

Dry or sensitive eyes

More over~ if you have drier eyes, you might want to get some lenses that are more moist. In the market there are some brands that even produce a different line of lenses that are extra moist :) Also a really good way to keep your eyes moisture, you can use the lubricant for lenses before you wear them :)
One of the popular brand with extra moist coloured contact lenses~Picture from the internet

If you have sensitive eyes (like myself right here) you might want to choose lenses that are not too thick. Mostly go with one day uses ones since most of the daily ones are thinner. Also it can reduce the risk of getting bacteria into your eyes with daily lenses.

Size/ diameter

So now it comes to the hardest part of picking lenses~ the colours and sizes !!! There are lenses sizes from 13mm to 18mm (diameters of the lens). For regular one or most of the lenses that you can find there are between 14mm to 15mm. And here you can see the different.
Picture from the internet
For the sizes of the lenses, it depends if you want to go with a natural look or a dramatic look. Most of the time the smaller the diameter is the more natural its is and the other way round. But it still depends on your own eyes, you should always pick a bigger diameter lenses than the iris of your eyes (the coloured part) so it would be big enough to cover your iris. 

Lenses with and without the dark ring~Picture from the internet

Limbal Ring

Here you can see different styles of lenses. Some of them has a dark ring around it (the top ones), those one will make your eyes look more define and would give a bigger eyes illusion. For those that don't have the limbal ring (the bottom ones) they are softer looking which can be more natural. 


Finally for colours!!! It actually really depends on your own preference. But since most of the coloured lenses are designed for people with darker eyes, the outcome of the colours might be different so highly commend you to look at the photo where the model is wearing it or take a look of some pictures of those who have the similar eye colours as you. Brown ones and Grey ones are the natural one that match everyday look. Green, Purple, Blue... are more for dramatic result.
Picture from the internet

I guess I will wrap up the blog here for today :) Hope this is helpful :) more lenses information will be posted :) Love you <3

1 comment:

  1. YEEEEEESSS ♡♡♡♡♡!! Too much good info here, everything is really important if you're gonna put something in your eye~~ I personally don't like lenses with a thick limbal ring because it looks weird on me, but yolo~ it does indeed define the eye a lot!! ♡♡♡♡♡
